Bought Top Lot to follow inspiration and expand luxury brand

Top Lot the White Velvet Males

It was Ms LoLo from Shenzhen, China, who won the White Velvet Males Top Lot bidding DKK 1,250 per skin on the last day of the March auction. Broker Thomas Tan did the bidding on behalf of Ms LoLo.

Ms LoLo has been a customer and bought skins from Kopenhagen Fur through brokers for ten years, but this was her first time visiting the Kopenhagen Fur auction.

She owns the company The LoLo Luxury Furs and has retail stores in both Beijing and Shenzhen which are only for exclusive club members. The company also facilitates activities in other cities such as Shanghai, where celebrities and social media influencers are invited to join.

Ms LoLo’s background is architectural design, and she started out making luxury evening dresses, but her love for the ultimate luxury garments made her focus on fur ten years ago. Her customers of the evening dresses welcomed the fur and were very positive because of their appreciation of luxury garments of the best quality.

- I am very proud of my customers because they know themselves, they know what they want, and that is the best quality, Ms LoLo says.

She found inspiration to buy the White Velvet Males Top Lot at an exhibition of luxury furs. She especially noticed Elisabeth Taylor in a beautiful white mink fur style, which was made many years ago, but still a classic that today is beautifully in style.

- I am very fond of the pureness and beauty of the white mink skins, says LoLo and continues:

- To me fur is very precious – and fur styles can be art pieces. Fur can last for many years, and the charm of a fur style is that you can keep it for many years. 

With the White Velvet Males Top Lot, Ms LoLo wants to create a top quality fur garment.

- If you wear it, you will feel like a queen, she says.

The company The LoLo Luxury Furs is already making luxury styles with chinchilla and sable, but now Ms LoLo wants to expand with mink – and work closer with Kopenhagen Fur.

- I have both been inspired of my visit yesterday at Kopenhagen Fur Studio and by Denmark, Danish Design and architecture, she says.