Sapphire Cross Top Lot to promote shops

Tuesday morning Mr. Ya Tao Wong bought the Sapphire Cross Males Top Lot at Kopenhagen Furs September auction 2015.

Mr. Ya Tao Wong is a Chinese furrier from the Hebei Province which is situated in the north part of China. During winter it can get very cold in these parts of China and fur is an important garment to keep you warm. But fur coats are much more than that. In Mr. Ya Tao Wong's two fur shops he has many younger customers in their twenties and thirties. They shop fur for fashion reasons and Mr. Wong hopes that the Top Lot can help him promote the shops.

- The skins in the Sapphire Cross Top Lot are beautiful and I'm very pleased that I bought them. I hope that I can get a designer to do something extraordinary with these skins and hopefully the result will be stunning garments, that will help me promote my two fur shops even more , says Mr. Ya Tao Wong.

Besides the two fur shops Mr. Ya Tao Wong also has six wholesale shops where he sells skins.

The Sapphire Cross Males Top Lot was purchased for 1,040 DKK.