Chinchilla Top Lot to promote good quality
Mr Coskun Kölük from the company Tasari Kürkmod in Turkey was the buyer of the Chinchilla Top Lot at Kopenhagen Fur's June auction.
Sunday evening at the June auction, Mr Coskun Kölük became the buyer of the Chinchilla Top Lot. The Top Lot was purchased for 690 DKK per skin. Mr Coskun Köluk is the owner of the Turkish family company Tasari Kürkmod - also known as Gata Fur. The company is a manufactory with a showroom, but they are opening a new store in Istanbul soon.
- We purchased this Top Lot to promote good quality in our new store. We know our customers appreciate quality and that is what we represent, says Mr Coskun Kölük.
The Kölük family is no stranger to the auctions at Kopenhagen Fur, and this time Mr Coskun Kölük has company by his son Mr Ataberk Kölük. They have purchased Top Lots more than 10 times at Kopenhagen Fur's auctions.
- It is the third time we are buying the Chinchilla Top Lot. The skins will be displayed at our new store and afterwards we will create a full fur garment of the skins. We are planning to have a corner in our store, which is dedicated only to Top Lot fur styles, says Mr Coskun Kölük.
The company Tasari Kürkmod keeps getting bigger every year so Mr Coskun Kölük thinks a store would be the next step for the business development.
- If we want to keep on with the development of our company we have to know what the customers want. Therefore, our new shop will get us closer to the consumers of our products and their demands to quality and style, says Mr Coskun Kölük.