
Kopenhagen Fur's whistleblower scheme allows reporting of irregularities and violations of laws. It can be done anonymously. The scheme applies first and foremost to any irregularities in the company itself, e.g. serious financial crime, including bribery, fraud, forgery and the like; violations of money laundering laws; irregularities in accounting, internal accounting and auditing; violation of competition law (e.g. price agreements); other irregularities of a general nature such as serious danger to the vital interests of Kopenhagen Fur or to human life and health, environmental violations, major deficiencies as regards safety in the workplace or serious forms of discrimination.

However, irregularities involving members of the cooperative can also be reported if there seems to be a basis for it - for example, violations of environmental law, breaches regarding safety in the workplace or violations of regulations related to the animals.

Read our Whistleblower-policy here

The administration of the whistleblower scheme

The administration of the whistleblower scheme is handled by the law firm Gorrissen Federspiel. Gorrisen Federspiel is notified of any reporting via the whistleblower portal. If the whistleblower wants complete anonymity, the identity remains strictly confidential and is not disclosed to either Gorrissen Federspiel or Kopenhagen Fur. Once a report has been received, an appropriate investigation of the case will be initiated, and the necessary actions and preventive measures will be taken.

Link to Whistleblower network

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