Fur awareness in the European Parliament

Politicians, journalists, business people and more were greeted with fur when Fur Europe raised an information stand in the heart of the European Parliament in Brussels for the second time around. This is Fur which was the name of the event aroused interest amongst the people passing by. During the event, professionals from the fur business shared information about fur's sustainability and discussed with the MPE's the challenges, which the European fur business face.

Fur Europe arranged the information stand This is Fur in the European Parliament for the second year in a row. Here, the European fur business focused on the sustainability and possibilities of fur in the next few years. On the program were subjects such as the skins' traceability from farm to catwalk, the fashion brands' perspective on sustainability, possibilities for greater sustainability in the dressing process, Europe's global competitive opportunities and much more.  

In addition to the approximately 200 persons visiting the stand, Fur Europe arranged meetings with the MPE's, the politicians in the parliament, during the three day event. Mette Lykke Nielsen, Head of Public Affairs in Fur Europe, is satisfied with how the European Parliament received the message from the fur business.  

- There has been a wide acceptance of our message even from persons who are not already supporting fur. I think we have had a really great possibility to rebut some of the myths concerning the fur business, she says.

Better acquaintance with the fur business

This transparency in the business is part of the message Fur Europe wish to highlight. According to Mette Lykke Nielsen the event has been a big step forward into Fur Europe's future political work since it has given the organization a possibility to inform the MPE's about the business' sustainability and economical importance to several EU-countries.   

- There will always be people who do not think it is a right for us to speak freely and make such an information stand in the middle of the European Parliament, but I think we have made a good impression which people will remember many years ahead, she says. 


Kenneth Ingmann, Chairman of Fur Europe's Board of Directors, also thinks the This is Fur event was a success.


- I believe people are beginning to learn who we are. The event last year was good but this year it is even better and the visitors receive our message with great interest.