The first mink top lot of the February auction is headed for TongErPu

Chinese fur buyer Qu LianYuan (right) proudly presents the auction's finest Sapphire Velvet males, having bought these skins priced at 720 DKK each. A Kopenhagen Fur auction-goer through 18 years and special fan of Danish mink, Mr. Qu LianYuan represents the company of Dengta Huang Jia Lang Chao Fur Fashion Co., Ltd. and cooperates with the KC brand in China.

Here, the proud buyer is accompanied by his son and son-in-law alongside Brian Tufvesson, Head of Customer Department at Kopenhagen Fur.

These skins were the first mink Top Lot to be sold at the February auction and they are headed to the TongErPu region in China.

-  By buying this Top Lot I believe I can promote my brand in China, he says.

- Kopenhagen Fur's brand means something special in China and by promoting this Top Lot it benefits my brand, he adds.

- The skins will eventually be used for fur coats, and it is my initial intention to sell the coats in collaboration with KC.

Qu LianYuan owns five fur retail shops in the north-east part of China, his largest store, the flagship store, is in TongErPu.