Record: 99 new customers

The inspection in the production facilities in Glostrup has begun, and the auction house has begun to greet the customers. Kopenhagen Fur expects to receive 600 customers during the April auction and approx. 300 of these are from China / Hong Kong.

- The fact that half of our customers come from China / Hong Kong, shows how important and competent our efforts have been in Asia, says Brian Ruddy Tufvesson, Head of Customer Department at Kopenhagen Fur.

Kopenhagen Fur's networking and work in Asia also means that new visitors are coming to Denmark.

- 99 new customers from China are going to visit us, which is a record. Never before have we experienced a visit from so many new customers at once, he says.

Torben Nielsen, CEO of Kopenhagen Fur, adds that the announcement about the new customers reflects a strong interest from the Chinese market.

- Our office in China has been very successful in establishing contact with new customers, and the fact that we can bid welcome 99 new customers, shows that the market in China is far from faded, he said.

The vast majority of Kopenhagen Fur's major customers arrive at the auction house shortly before the start of the auction.