Kopenhagen Fur works to minimise shipping disruptions

Kopenhagen Fur Shipping

Flight restrictions around the globe have extensively disrupted airfreight transportation and put cargo capacity under great pressure. As rate levels remain volatile and high, we encourage you to consider alternative transportation methods, such as ocean freight, for overseas destinations.

However, we are seeing how new freighter solutions are being introduced and may soon be available. At Kopenhagen Fur, we believe time is on our side – and we certainly have the capacity to provide you with solutions regarding shipping to Asia, from alternative routes to adjusted transit times and subject to short-term pricing.

Copenhagen is also one of the world’s major shipping hubs, and the biggest in Scandinavia. Thanks to Copenhagen Airport and other well-established air and seaports, Kopenhagen Fur is ideally located to minimize the impact of the logistic constraints caused by Covid-19. Well-connected to the rest of Europe, road-freight from Denmark is functioning without major delays.

In addition to this, our warehouses in Thailand and Cambodia support our capability to optimize big bulk shipping, airfreight and ocean freight, preparing your stock for dressing when you need it.

We will keep you updated on changes to the freight market situation.