Chinchilla Top Lot

Mr Kasper Reinbacher, VP International Sales, and Ms Shui Bingyue, SailorMoon

At Kopenhagen Fur’s June auction, Ms Shui Bingyue from SailorMoon seized the Chinchilla Top Lot for 2,600 DKK per skin bought by broker KC Fur. 

SailorMoon is a famous Chinese fashion brand in online platform with over 560,000 followers. According to Ms Shui Bingyue, brand manager of SailorMoon, the online consumers are relatively younger and their consumption concept is more advanced. Therefore, SailorMoon attaches great importance to the transmission of the sustainable fashion theory.

-Kopenhagen Fur has always advocated the concept of fur sustainability, which is the basis of bidding for the Top Lot, says Ms Shui. 

On the other hand, SailorMoon is mainly engaged in four seasons of clothing, which has the demand for multiple fabrics and multiple raw materials. Kopenhagen Fur could offer a wide range of choices for SailorMoon.

In the future, the trend of their fur development will be more diversified and SailorMoon will also carry out more in-depth cooperation with Kopenhagen Fur.