Price adjustment characterizes season start

The first day of the January auction at Kopenhagen Fur has begun. This Friday, Black Cross males and females were sold at a slight price drop.

Throughout winter, the general mood among the customers has been that the market required another price adjustment. The customers have well stocked warehouses and demand is currently at a modest level. This affects the price of Black Cross skins.

Black Cross females obtained a higher sales percentage than the male Black Cross skins. The females sold 83 percent and obtained an average price of 144 DKK (Approx. 19.3 EUR).

The males sold 46 percent and obtained an average price of 249 DKK (Approx. 33.7 EUR).

The auction will continue tomorrow with the sale of Silverblue and Silverblue Velvet - both male and female skins.

Brown, Brown Velvet and Glow as well as Glow Velvet male skins will also be offered Saturday.

Kopenhagen Fur will offer 2.688,426 mink skins in January.