Silverblue and Swakara were offered at the second sales day

Silverblue Males were the first mink skins to be offered. These obtained a satisfying sales percentage of 100 and an average price of 233 DKK. These skins experienced a 10 percent increase in price level compared with comparable good sold in February.

The next mink skins to be offered were Silverblue Velvet Males. These also obtained a sales percentage of 100 and an increase in price level of 11 percent.

Silverblue Females also achieved a 100 percent sales percentage and a price increase of 9 percent. This image was repeated with the sale of Silverblue Velvet Females. These skins also achieved a 100 percent sale as well as a 7 percent increase in price level.

Swakara skins from Namibia were offered prior to the sale of mink. Swakara Black achieved a steady price level. Swakara White were received quite well in the auction room. The Swakara White Top Lot was sold for 960 DKK per skin.