Top lot to promote Danish quality

Friday afternoon the Top Lot in Black Velvet Females was bought for a very important reason. The top lot is going to promote Danish quality fur in a specific area of China.

Frank Sun representing Hua Xin Fur Co. LTD has been a customer at Kopenhagen Fur for many years, but he always sees it as a big honour to be able to buy a Top Lot.

- Our customers only want the very best quality, and I know this top lot will fit perfectly into their expectations, says Frank Sun.

The company has grown into a great fur clothing manufacturer after years of development. They are now the leading manufacturer of fur garments in the Xinji area in China. The Top Lot will therefore be used for promoting the best quality to their customers and will hopefully result in even more buyers to the next auctions at Kopenhagen Fur.

- I want more people to come to Denmark to experience this auction. Every year I am always looking forward to visiting Kopenhagen Fur, Frank Sun tells.